Q: What services do you provide?
A: MJ Wood Management can structure a suite of services to suit your specific requirements. A summary of the services provided by MJ Wood Management on a typical project, are available for view within services.
Q: How much do your services cost?
A: The cost of our services will vary dependent upon the size and diversity of your project. However, our fee would typically lie within the range of one to ten percent of the overall project cost. From our experience the cost of our fee is recovered by the client many times over, as a consequence of reduced programme duration and final construction costs.
Q: Why do we need an independent project manager?
A: An independent project manager coordinates and allocates roles and responsibilities to the following project stakeholders:
- Client
- Architect
- Structural Design Engineer
- Geotechnical Engineer
- Soft and Hard Landscaping Design Consultant
- Aborist
- Cost Consultant
- Private Certifier
- Council Building Surveyor/Planner
- Builder
- Suppliers
There is a conflict of interest if the architect or builder performs the role of project manager, as they are not independent to the process. That is, they are managing the performance of themselves.
As an independent project manager, we are best placed to ensure that all of the project stakeholders are held accountable to their specific roles and responsibilities.