Identifying the optimum property solution for your needs
Feasibility Assessment
Our approach during the feasibility assessment phase is to investigate the costs and benefits of various property development options, whilst incurring minimal costs on your behalf.
That is, high level estimates of costs (and revenue if applicable) and master programme are prepared by MJ Wood Management for various design sketch options, to determine the optimum solution for your development.
Business Case
Upon selection of a preferred option during the feasibility assessment phase, a more comprehensive investigation on the preferred site and design option is prepared during the business case preparation phase.
During this phase concept designs are prepared, site investigations are mobilized and a detailed master programme and estimate of costs are prepared.
MJ Wood Management has the expertise to prepare estimate of costs and master schedules “in house”.
The objective of this phase is to verify any assumptions made during the feasibility phase whilst only incurring moderate costs.
Upon validation of the assumptions MJ Wood Management will prepare a project plan, which outlines the strategy of project implementation. The project plan will form the “blue print” for the project.
The Project Plan is approved by the client, and the project proceeds to the design and planning approval phase.
What Our Clients Say
The works were completed with minimal disruption to our major tenant (NRMA).
MJ Wood Managements’ ability to communicate with all of the key stakeholders, was fundamental to the success of the project.